Myths About Plant-Based Lifestyle

Myths About Plant-Based Lifestyle

Today, we are going to be talking about what the Plant Based lifestyle really entails and I will kick off by addressing some of the Myths About Plant-Based Lifestyle.

So, you have heard about the Whole Food plant based (WFPB) lifestyle and you are curious.

This is not just about eating your greens; it is a comprehensive approach to well-being. You might be imagining endless bowls of salad or munching on raw carrots all day. I am here to tell you there is so much more.

The WFPB lifestyle emphasizes eating minimally processed foods, plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. 

It is about real food that is as close to its natural state as possible.

Whole Food Plant Based Information

There are many online publishers when it comes to WFPB information?

This list includes companies such as Forks Over Knives, the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies,. There are countless passionate bloggers like us here at Plantaful Life who provide a wealth of information on real plant-based living.

Let’s break down some of the naysayer narratives and show why WFPB is accessible, sustainable, and enjoyable.

But before we get into that, it is important to recognize why discarding these myths matters. Choosing something that resonates with you when it comes to diet is crucial for long-term success and well-being.

Misinformation can deter people from making choices that potentially have profound benefits for their health and well-being.

So, I am going to dive right into one of the biggest myths surrounding the WFPB lifestyle. The protein dilemma.

Myth: Protein Deficiency

Plant-based eaters frequently encounter a question that people often ask. Many express this concern, yet the truth behind it is much more complex.

So, let’s examine one of the most persistent myths about the WFPB lifestyle. The idea that if you are not eating meat, you are not getting enough protein.

Understanding protein needs is key. The WFPB diet offers a diverse array of protein sources like legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

Quinoa, tofu, lentils, and chickpeas, for example, are powerhouse foods that can meet and even exceed your protein requirements.

And here is something else. Many vegetables have more protein than people realize, so you are getting an extra boost there, too.

Looking at evidence is crucial, and numerous studies back the sufficiency of plant-based proteins.

VegetablesProtein (per 3.5oz)FruitsProtein (per 3.5oz)
Brussels Sprouts3.4gBlackberries2.0g
Swiss Chard1.8gAcai Berries2.0g
Beetroot1.6gGoji Berries4.6g
Sweet Potatoes1.6gPomegranates1.7g
Bell Peppers0.9gCranberries0.4g
Collard Greens2.1gPapaya0.5g
Chia Seeds16.5gCauliflower1.9g
Hemp Seeds31.6gTurmeric7.8g
Seaweed (Nori, Wakame)9.7gCacao19.6g
Ginger2.0gSesame Seeds17.0g
Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts)21.2gAlgae (Chlorella, Spirulina)57.5g
Lentils9.0gBeans (Black Beans, Kidney Beans)8.9g
Sweet Potatoes1.6gMushrooms (Maitake, Shiitake)3.1g
Green Tea0.6gOats16.9g
Barley2.3gBrown Rice 10.0g
Protein Amounts Per 3.5 oz or 100 grams

These protein values are approximate. Amounts can vary based on factors such as preparation methods and specific varieties of the food.

Do not worry too much about hitting exact protein numbers every day.

Check out our recipes page for ideas for your next meal using plant-based protein. Recipe Index – Plantaful Life

Much like a varied omnivorous diet. If you are consuming a variety of plant-based foods, you are covering your protein bases.

You can always adjust your approach as you go long but choose something that resonates with you. The variety of plant-based proteins ensures that a WFPB diet can be tailored to individual tastes and lifestyles.

Whether you are a fan of smoothies packed with hemp seeds or adore a good lentil curry.

Protein deficiency while eating a Whole Food plant-based diet is a myth.

Now that we have debunked the protein myth, let us look at the cost. You might think a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, almond milk and organic tofu would break the bank.

Actually, that is not necessarily the case, you may even save money.

Myth: Plant-Based Eating is Expensive

Let’s tackle another concern I hear all the time: ‘Going plant-based is going to cost me an arm and a leg’. That is not necessarily true. My family reduced our food bill by 1/3 plus there are numerous studies to support this claim.

First, consider the staple foods of a plant-based diet – grains, beans, legumes, and seasonal fruits and veggies. Often, these items are much cheaper than meat and dairy, especially when you buy them in bulk.

Think rice, lentils, and a rainbow of beans. They are not just packed with nutrients but also come with a minimal price tag compared to pre-packaged or processed foods.

That is going to include strategies for saving bucks at the checkout line. Buying whole foods in their unprocessed form can be a meaningful change for your wallet.

Tips for saving money:

You can always adjust your approach but let us start with shopping smartly.

Choosing to visit local farmers’ markets, CSA boxes and growing your own herbs and vegetables can further reduce your expenses.

And let us not forget about minimizing waste, meal planning and using leftovers can help make the most of your budget.

There are a lot of opportunities in the world of coupons, discounts, and sales – be savvy about them.

Planning your meals around what is on sale can also lower the costs significantly while adding variety to your plant-based table.

The long-term economic benefits of a plant-based diet cannot be overlooked.

A diet rich in whole plant-based foods can lead to better health and potentially lower healthcare costs.

So, not only is it a commitment to your health, but it is also a wise financial strategy overall.

Myth: A Plant-Based Diet Is Not Satisfying or Filling

This is another common concern that is mentioned all the time.

You are wondering how a meal without meat can leave you feeling full. But here is the thing, it is not just about filling your stomach.

You should eat to nourish your body, what you put in your mouth matters.

Consider this, foods that form the cornerstone of a Whole Food plant based (WFPB) lifestyle are naturally high in fiber.

Fiber is good for your digestive system; it also helps you to feel full and satisfied after a meal. Remember, animal meats have zero dietary fiber!

Whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables contribute to that full feeling without the heavy sense that sometimes goes with meals high in animal fats.

Many people on a WFPB diet report a surprising discovery, the variety of food contributes to feeling content.

When you focus on a wide range of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes, you are not just getting nutrients. You are enjoying a medley of flavors and textures that can make meals exciting and satisfying.

Now, from a psychological standpoint, satisfaction from eating also comes from how you experience your food.

If you are preparing homemade meals with care and attention, sitting down to eat without distractions, and really savoring each bite.

This mindfulness can increase your feelings of satisfaction, regardless of what is on your plate.

I have talked to many people who have made the switch to a plant-based diet. They often explain that initially, they were skeptical.

But once they got into the groove, they felt fuller on a plant-based diet. It is not a one-off statement. There are a chorus of voices attesting to the fulfilling nature of WFPB lifestyle.

The True Impact of WFPB

From a health perspective, the evidence is compelling. A wealth of scientific studies supports the numerous health benefits tied to this way of eating.

When you choose Whole plant-based foods, you are likely to see improvements in weight management, blood pressure, and even chronic disease management, such as diabetes and heart issues.

Furthermore, embracing a Whole-Food, plant-based diet extends beyond individual health considerations, fostering a holistic impact that spans physical well-being, ethical choices, and potential economic benefits.

Nourishing Individual Well-being:

A WFPB diet, centered on unprocessed, nutrient-dense plant foods, not only enhances personal health but also encompasses a more comprehensive approach to well-being.

This dietary shift is grounded in choosing foods that provide essential nutrients, promoting vitality and longevity.

Ethical Considerations:

Beyond its direct impact on health, the WFPB movement is inherently tied to ethical considerations. Advocating for compassionate choices, particularly in prioritizing plant-based options.

Aligning with a broader awareness of the need for humane and sustainable practices in food consumption.

Economic Opportunities:

The WFPB lifestyle, while primarily focused on individual health, carries potential economic benefits.

By endorsing a shift towards sustainable farming practices, particularly those centered on plant-based agriculture. There is an opportunity to stimulate local economies and enhance food security.

Healthier Future:

In adopting a WFPB diet, individuals become active participants in a broader transformative journey.

Recognizing the profound impact that dietary choices have on personal health, ethical considerations, and potential economic contributions.

The WFPB lifestyle becomes a commitment to cultivating a healthier and more balanced future for oneself and those to come.


In closing, making a transition to a WFPB lifestyle might seem daunting at first, but you can always adjust your approach as you get more comfortable.

Start with small swaps and gradually build from there. Remember, your first attempt does not need to be your last, and every small step counts towards a better you.

We really hope that this exploration into the myths surrounding the WFPB lifestyle has provided you with valuable insights and the confidence to make informed decisions about the food you eat.

And always remember, it is important to choose something that resonates with you and your unique journey towards the best health and vitality.

Please leave us a comment if you are looking for support on your wellness journey or have any questions about the benefits of a Plant Based Lifestyle.



Plantaful Life Team

Disclaimer: The information shared in this blog post and on our website is for educational and informational purposes only. We are here to inspire and support you on your plant-based journey. However, always prioritize your health and consult with your trusted healthcare provider for personalized advice. By using our website, you acknowledge and agree that you have read and understood this medical disclaimer. Additionally, you acknowledge the significance of seeking professional medical advice for your specific health needs.


Power of Plant Superfoods – Plantaful Life

T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies | Plant Nutrition

A Look at Plant-Based Diets – PMC (

Positive Thinking About Food – Plantaful Life

Benefits of Plant-Based Diets in Athletic Performance | The Public Health Advocate (

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